Submissions to The Carmarthenshire Antiquary
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Notes for Contributors
The Editor and the Editorial Board welcome contributions to The Carmarthenshire Antiquary that advance the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society’s aims and objectives. These are broadly defined as ‘the study of the history, archaeology, antiquities and folklore of Carmarthenshire in particular and West Wales in general’. We are not primarily a family history society. A second central aim of the Society is to encourage the preservations of local records, and historical and archaeological sites, monuments, buildings and historic landscapes and to support the County Museums and Archives services.
Authors wishing to submit articles (preferably of 8-10,000 words length) or shorter articles or Notes, are requested to send an electronic copy, as well as a printed copy, to the Editor. We prefer a commonly used file format, such as Word and the minimum of formatting. The Antiquary uses a double column format but this layout should not be attempted in author’s submissions as it entails more work for the Editor in preparing copy for the typesetter. Illustrations should be sent separately and NOT embedded in the text. Again, this involves additional work in extracting these images for separate submission to the typesetter. Help and advice can be provided in assembling illustrations. They should be high resolution images in .jpg .tiff or .pdf format. We use numbered end-notes. We have now adopted the Oxford University Style Guide which can be freely downloaded for authors’ reference: Style Guide. Whilst the majority of articles published are in English, submissions in Welsh with an English summary can be made.
On receipt of an article, the Editor will circulate it within the Editorial Board or ask for comments from a specialist in the field for a second opinion. We may ask authors if they are willing to make minor or even major revisions. Authors will be asked to seek the necessary permissions for reproduction of their illustrations where appropriate. The final choice for the volume’s content rests with the Editor who must seek a balance in subject and time-span and keep within the financial constraints of volume length. Authors will receive a copy of The Carmarthenshire Antiquary and of their article as a pdf file. Copyright rests jointly with the individual contributors and The Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society.
Heather James BA FSA. Editor
Llangunnor Road,
Carmarthen SA31 2PB