Centenary Year

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2005 was the one hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the Society - a special year for members. The Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society held its first meeting in the Guildhall in Carmarthen in April 1905. The centenary year, 2005, was celebrated by a full programme of events, many chosen to link the present to the past and to show how the Society has grown in strength and developed its aims over the years. The year started with a special exhibition in the Carmarthenshire County Museum of some of the very many artefacts and books which early members donated to the Society. The annual day school focused on the history of the Society and the contributions of some of the men who influenced the early years so much. The Annual General Meeting was held in the Guildhall, Carmarthen followed by a number of lectures. Dr Brinley Jones, President of the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, as the guest speaker at the centenary dinner. An Edwardian themed picnic was held in the grounds of Carmarthenshire County Museum at Abergwili. President's Day was held in the garden at Aberglasney before sitting down to dinner in the partially restored mansion. A  pilgrimage to St David's took place in early September, reflecting a visit made by the Society in its second year. The October field day was to Myddfai, and in November the Society held its first lecture in Welsh for very many years. December ended the year with a festive note with a musical evening listening to the work of Carmarthenshire musicians.

  • 23 people having a group photo outside together
  • A group of People outside standing in a row
  • group photo of 19 people at the centenary dinner in 2005
  • six women sat at a round table, looking at heward rees as he approaches
  • six women sat a a round table, smiling at the camera
  • two smiling ladies sat at a table with flowers on
  • st davids cathedral on a sunny day
  • view from the back of the st davids cathedral of a concert with a choir performing
  • A 19th century memorial placed over a whitewashed medieval wall painting
  • a large group of people walking through a field towards Llwynywormwood on a sunny day
  • a group of people outside Llwynywormwood
  • a group of people standing outside Llwynywormwood looking at the large barn
  • six people stood outside Llwynywormwood with large double barn doors behind them
  • two men in front of Cilgwyn
  • a group of people in front of pink bungalow Coedweddus
  • The old Bishop's Chapel with angel and stars christmas lights