Guidance for Contributors
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The Society welcomes contributions to The Carmarthenshire Antiquary from both amateur and professional historians on a wide range of subjects relevant to Carmarthenshire’s archaeology, history, built heritage, antiquities, archives and social history. Contributions should be the original work of the author, detailing new research, or reassessment of earlier interpretations, or publication of archival material with comment and analysis. Whilst we are not primarily a Family History society personal contributions that contribute to the social or intellectual life of the county or provide a record of events or experiences that might not otherwise survive for posterity are welcome. Contributors are advised to look at the short contents list of past Antiquaries. The number of contributions in any one year is limited to a volume size that fits within the large letter, under 500 gms postage bracket.
Contributors are welcome to discuss possible contributions with the editor and members of the editorial board before submission. Main articles should be up to 10,00 words in length, but Shorter Articles and Notes are also welcome. Whilst we do not have a formal system of peer review the Editor frequently seeks the views and comments of the Editorial Board and, if necessary, outside specialists. The Editor’s decision however is final.
Contributions should be submitted electronically to the editor with no attempt to replicate the formatting of the published journal, preferably in Word. Illustrations should be to a high resolution and should be submitted separately from the text with a list of captions, preferably as jpg or tiff files. Simple downloads from websites are seldom of a high enough quality. The author(s) are responsible for seeking the permission of relevant bodies to reproduce material submitted. Authors may mark up their text indicating where an illustration should be placed.
The Carmarthenshire Antiquary uses sub-headings in small caps and if needed sub-sub headings in italic. In some cases, at the Editor’s discretion and in discussion with the author, an introductory section might be across 2 columns. We also continue to use end-notes, not Harvard referencing or footnotes at the bottom of the page. This allows full reference to sources used or quoted and, where necessary additional information which might otherwise clutter up the main text. Authors thinking of contributing an article are advised to look at the most recent issue of The Carmarthenshire Antiquary , vol. 57, 2021 below for an indication of house styles and types and sizes of illustration that the two column format permits.
A useful guide to preferred referencing styles can be found at